Financial Disclosures

People aspiring to hold New Mexico’s highest elected offices or sit on important boards and commissions, or to lead state agencies are required to disclose to the public financial and certain other information.

Public officials subject to that financial reporting file with the Secretary of State annually, or in the case of candidates by a pre-primary due date in election years. The Secretary of State then posts the reports as individual PDF documents in the state’s public campaign finance information system.

Because they are presented as individual PDF documents, one is not able to search through the financial disclosure data in an aggregated, systematic way. For instance, we might want to know how many lawmakers work in a particular industry, which public servants own real estate in a particular county, or who among the filers is married to a registered lobbyist. Documents that aggregate all of that information from individual filers would allow one to do that sort of analysis.

To make such searches possible, New Mexico In Depth has assembled all of that information into a series of google spreadsheets that you can view on this page, and then download if you wish. Or you can automatically download all of the spreadsheets into a single file using the link below.

Download Financial Disclosures Spreadsheets

This data is updated monthly.

About the Spreadsheets

State statute requires the following people to file financial disclosure forms:

  • Persons holding legislative or statewide office;
  • Candidates for legislative or statewide office;
  • Officials whose appointment to a board or commission is subject to senate confirmation;
  • Members of the insurance nominating committee;
  • State ethics commissioners;
  • and state agency heads.

Each spreadsheet on this page includes one set of information included in financial disclosure forms, and also includes the name of the individual filing the form, the office they hold, whether they were appointed, elected, or are running for that office. They also include columns with identification numbers – one for the filer and one for the specific report filed – so that you can connect them in various ways yourself if you are tech savvy.

Datamade, a civic technology company, created the spreadsheets by pulling data directly from the forms on the Secretary of State’s website. See more about Datamade on our about page.